Here goes the pre-headline (optional)

H1 Here comes the Main Headline and it should be a good one

Here could be a sub-headline, also, here could be another one sub-headline, and yet, it isn’t (optional)​

For A Limited Time Only!​

from the author of “Words That Change Minds”, Shelle Rose Charvet

This Online Training is absolutely FREE and plays in your local time. Grab a seat for the next session – we’re starting in just a few minutes.​

Book Your Calendar​

Clean up your schedule and treat yourself to some me-time.

80 Minutes​

Schedule approximately 80 minutes of quiet time for this Masterclass.

12-Page Workbook​

You’ll receive a free digital Workbook to maximize your results.

What you’ll learn in this training (should be a sub-headline​)

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Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae nulla ut dui interdum fermentum id non ipsum. Integer et arcu lacus. Aenean ut diam at arcu laoreet elementum eu eget mi. Curabitur in cursus ligula. Donec dignissim, orci a venenatis mattis, leo massa placerat lacus, id ultricies turpis nulla quis orci.

Nam pretium pellentesque nibh
Suspendisse et sodales lacus. Sed auctor molestie ipsum. Donec auctor commodo purus, at venenatis mi luctus nec. Mauris elit risus, congue nec tortor eu, condimentum feugiat augue.

Cras ut tincidunt nulla
Donec eu nibh gravida, lobortis felis feugiat, tincidunt eros. Aliquam blandit tellus non lacus scelerisque lacinia. Mauris condimentum leo interdum est fringilla, sit amet gravida enim sollicitudin. Nunc ac nibh ac nisl fringilla ultricies. Nunc tempus interdum nisi, vitae mollis purus mollis ac.

Quisque quis massa vestibulum
Cras a sapien quis orci accumsan faucibus. Proin nec interdum lectus. Cras vulputate, arcu non molestie pretium, massa enim pretium metus, porta dignissim est est sit amet nibh. Quisque accumsan non ante vel facilisis. Vestibulum vel risus nec leo mattis finibus et vel orci.

As seen on

About Your Instructor

Shelle Rose Charvet is a bestselling author and the international expert on Influencing Language.

Her first book, “Words That Change Minds” is an international bestseller, available in 15 languages.

Shelle has been researching and teaching for over 35 years and she is known for her advanced techniques used to enhance rapport, trust, credibility, and influence. You can find more about her on

Kind Words From Good People

“Shelle illustrates, in clear language […] how to influence, how to sell, how to manage, all the while respecting people at a deep level.”

Jack Canfield, Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul

“I learned from Shelle Rose Charvet how to handle any type of skeptical person. And more important, to have a clear method for doing it (LAB Profile®).”
Monica Ion, HR Specialist & Coach
“The shift in power to the customer is now a certainty. In her engaging book, Shelle lays out precisely what’s going on and how to think about it.”
Seth Godin, Author, Tribes
“Thank you, Shelle, for the amazing information you shared with us last night. My mind is spinning with all the ways I can put it into practice to make my life better, both at home and at work.”
Lisa Latorcai, Amadeus Consulting, Toronto

Some of Shelle’s Corporate Clients

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Shelle Rose Charvet

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